
Electrochemically Powered, Energy-Conserving Carbon Nanotube Artificial Muscles
2019-11-13 16:52:16 조회수978
Jae Ah Lee, Na Li, Carter S. Haines, Keon Jung Kim, Xavier Lepró, Raquel Ovalle-Robles, Seon Jeong Kim,* and Ray H. Baughman* Dr. J. A. Lee, Dr. N. Li, Dr. C. S. Haines, Dr. X. Lepró, Prof. R. H. Baughman The Alan G. MacDiarmid NanoTech Institute The University of Texas at Dallas Richardson, TX 75080, USA // Dr. J. A. Lee, Dr. R. Ovalle-Robles Nano-Science & Technology Center LINTEC OF AMERICA, INC. Richardson, TX 75081, USA // K. J. Kim, Prof. S. J. Kim Center for Self-Powered Actuation and Department of Biomedical Engineering Hanyang University Seoul 133-791, South Korea 원문 링크 :


While artificial muscle yarns and fibers are potentially important for many applications, the combination of large strokes, high gravimetric work capacities, short cycle times, and high efficiencies are not realized for these fibers. This paper demonstrates here electrochemically powered carbon nanotube yarn muscles that provide tensile contraction as high as 16.5%, which is 12.7 times higher than previously obtained. These electrochemical muscles can deliver a contractile energy conversion efficiency of 5.4%, which is 4.1 times higher than reported for any organic-material-based artificial muscle. All-solid-state parallel muscles and braided muscles, which do not require a liquid electrolyte, provide tensile contractions of 11.6% and 5%, respectively. These artificial muscles might eventually be deployed for a host of applications, from robotics to perhaps even implantable medical devices. 

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