Min Kyoon Shin, Sung Kyoung Kim, Haiwon Lee, Sun I. Kim, Seon Jeong Kim
Center for Bio-Artificial Muscle and Department of Biomedical Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul 133-791, Korea
*Corresponding author.E-mail: sjk@hanyang.ac.kr.
원문 링크 :
Polymeric nanochannels have been fabricated using a cost-effective, fast, one-step method
involving the collision of nanosized jets during electrospinning. The nanochannels had a
uniform U-shaped cross-section, with a height below 100 nm and lengths around 1 mm. It was
explained that the strength of the electric field had an important effect on the formation of the
nanochannels. An adhesion test on the nanochannels using the lateral force mode of an atomic
force microscope showed that the nanochannels formed by the jet impingement adhered well to
a surface.