
Nanocomposite Hydrogel with High Toughness for Bioactuators
2009-02-28 10:56:34 조회수2483
Min Kyoon Shin, Geoffrey M. Spinks, Su Ryon Shin, Sun I. Kim and Seon Jeong Kim Creative Research Center for Bio-Artificial Muscle Department of Biomedical Engineering Hanyang University, Seoul 133-791 (Korea) ARC Center of Excellence in Electromaterials Science and Intelligent Polymer Research Institute University of Wollongong Wollongong NSW 2522 (Australia) 원문 링크 :


Ferritin-based nanofibrous hydrogels that demonstrate synergy between the ferritin protein and the synthetic polymer matrix are fabricated. The hybrid hydrogels showed enhanced mechanical properties and repeated expansion and contraction without showing severe creep during pH switching. The ferritin nanoparticles incorporated into the hydrogel nanofibers improved the actuation stability of a hydrogel actuator by acting as elastic nanosprings in a nanoscale polymer.

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